In this project i want to look at the new glamourised view of prostitution. The series 'Secret diray of a call girl changed my views on what i think of as a 'prostitute'.
In secret diary of a call girl, Billie Pipers character 'Belle' is a british call girl, she is highly paid and wears seductive but sophisticated outfits compared to a stereotypical prostitute.
The series is based on a book written by a london call girl, who named herself Belle De Jour.
so my research into prostitution lead to me finding a documentary 'streetwise'
It was an amazing story of some young homless children in washington DC in 1984.
The focus of the documentary is on a young girl 'Tiny'
She works as a prostitute.
What shocked me the most was how blasay her and her friends were about working as prostitutes and being raped.
It was a moving documentary and feel it was really inspirating and eye opening.
I havn't used the documentary in my research for this current project but feel it well influence my FMP alot.
Tiny at the fair