Monday, 7 November 2011

Jourdan Dunn's 5th I.D cover

Jourdan Dunn has had a super amazing career and done a lot for young ethnic girls not only in the fashion industry but im sure she has inspired many girls. From winning model of the year in 2008 to gracing the cover of a special 'Black edition' of Italian Vogue Dunn has had an full and fun filled career so far. Which such a quick rise to fame Dunn has kept grounded through out her career, like taking time out to answer some (loads) of question to help with my dissertation on the lack of ethnic models in the fashion industry.
And this month she is on the front cover of I.D magazine for a 5th time!!
So Well done lovely!

Here are a few of here covers ( i couldn't find one)

New s/s 12 edition out now!

Agent Provocateur, i wish the world just wore undies!

I thought my underwear obsession had died down until i saw Agent Provocateurs new campaign and i just melted again!! I wish we could all just live in a hot world where everyone walks around in beautiful underwear!

PAZ DE LA HUERTA i love you! x


Well i never...Rachel Zoe

So Rachel Zoe as a stylist is pretty amazing, and her celebrity status has lead to her being about to branch out in her fashion field. Although i think sometimes celebrity collections are not always the greatest invention i.e Beyonce's collection at Selfridges is ummm yuck! Music is definitely her talent and not designing!
And when we got Rachel Zoe's new collection in at work (Selfridges) is wasn't impressed but her s/s12 collection i have to say is looking promising, here are a few pieces i liked...

Zoe is very good at the boho chic look with day to night looks and always very sleek and well put together 

Back to basics.

So its been 20 million years since i have blogged, after uni life is a massive crazy whirl wind! what do you do, how do you earn money and gain experience, what do you even want to do!? so many directions to go in but how do you choose!
So for now money wins! uni racks up a lot of debts and earning gives me a chance to think about what i really want to do... so that's my excuse for being an awful blogger, but i'm back!

Even though its Uber late here are some collections i loved from the many fashion weeks,
I was seeing a lot of the old classic print for a lot of designers mixing it up with new cuts and quite gypsy inspired  pieces.
Here are some of my favourites.....

Alexander McQueen s/s 12

D&G s/s 12

Moschino s/s12

PPQ s/s 12 